Detail knihy

fotka ucebnice Horizons 2
vložil: Daniela
město: Praha
20.7.2014 - 11:46
Horizons 2

ISBN: 0194388778
vydavatel: Oxford University Press
rok vydání:
počet stránek: 112
stav knihy: velmi dobrá
kategorie: Anglický jazyk
způsob doručení: osobně

popis učebnice:
Multiple entry points cater for different teaching situations. Optional Starter unit for real beginners (level 1) or mixed classes (all levels) to revise basics. Horizons can be completed in a typical school-year. Grammar is presented in the context of dialogues, and practised systematically. Training for pre-intermediate and intermediate level exams. Optional lessons with extra language practice. Cultural sections focusing on various aspects oflife in different countries.

text inzerátu:
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