Detail knihy

fotka ucebnice New Matrix: Intermediate: Student Book
vložil: Tomas
město: Praha - Lužiny (Metro B)
26.2.2014 - 11:56
New Matrix: Intermediate: Student Book

ISBN: 0194766144
rok vydání:
počet stránek: 152
stav knihy: použitá
kategorie: Anglický jazyk
způsob doručení: osobně

popis učebnice:
Popular features improved and updated in response to feedback from Matrix users. Systematic building of key vocabulary to cover up-to-date exam topics. Effective production: speaking practice in every lesson on a wide range of topics, and step-by-step guidance for writing a variety of text types. Grammar knowledge checked and activated in use. Strong focus on culture. Exam tips, techniques, and practice of exam-type tasks to give students confidence in the exam.