Detail knihy

fotka ucebnice Landmark Advanced Workbook
vložil: Marek
město: Praha
26.2.2014 - 11:27
Landmark Advanced Workbook

ISBN: 0194379612
rok vydání:
počet stránek: 103
stav knihy: velmi dobrá
kategorie: Anglický jazyk
způsob doručení: osobně

popis učebnice:
Fresh topics get students thinking and speaking. A strong focus on skills pushes students to extend their knowledge and ability. Texts and tasks help students explore and activate their vocabulary. Authentic listening tasks raise awareness of features of natural conversation. A practical approach to writing. An active discovery approach to grammar guides students to work out patterns and rules for themselves. Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels have authentic reading withsupportive tasks and graded exposure to authentic listening. Advanced level has unscripted recordings and authentic texts to challenge and stimulate the adult learner. Also has short units to avoid topic fatigue.

text inzerátu:
Nejlépe dohromady s učebnicí