Detail knihy

fotka ucebnice Latitudes 2
vložil: Monika
město: Praha
19.11.2013 - 06:32
Latitudes 2
ISBN: 2278062506
vydavatel: didier
rok vydání:
počet stránek: 25
stav knihy: nová
kategorie: Francouzský jazyk
způsob doručení: osobně

popis učebnice:
"Latitudes is in line with the approved methodologies for teaching French as determined by the CECR. The method guides the learners toward autonomy, as they are obliged to communicate, both in written and spoken form, in French. Students will also gain knowledge of the social and cultural fundamentals of France and the French-speaking world. The books are divided into 9 sections each with delineated communication objectives, corresponding exercises and authentic documents so they are exposed to contemporary French."--Distributor website.

text inzerátu:
Učebnice na úrovni A2/B1, nepoužitá, obsahuje CD.